
Setting up your Raspberry Pi robots for multiple locations

Using Raspberry Pi robotos in multiple locations If you run a Code Club at a location that you don’t have access to during the week, you may already have discovered how important it is to have everything set up beforehand. This often means being able to communicate what you want to whoever looks after the computer network at your Code Club location. There’s a few possible scenarios: Your location already has computers set up and connected to the network.

Scratch BrickPi Robot workshop

The robots At our Code Club, we currently have two robots both are made by Dexter Industries and are controlled from a Raspberry Pi. Our BrickPi robot uses a Raspberry Pi model 1B, combined with Lego Mindstorms more recent EV3 motors and sensors Our GoPiGo robot uses the same model Raspberry Pi, with one ultrasonic sensor a Raspberry Pi camera, and a servo that moves both Here’s an photo from when we first put them together:

Preparing SD cards for our code club robots

Writing SD cards on Mac OS X There’s a few different ways to do this on the Dexter Industries site, and this is post just shows a process that worked for the workshops we do at our Code Club. It may be useful for those running Mac OS X with homebrew installed. Homebrew is an easy way to install and manage open source software and other software, on the Mac.