
Exciting Scratch projects are happening

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been able to see a few great Scratch projects that are being build at our Code Club! This year it was great to have everyone sign up to Scratch before our Code Club started again at the start of this year. By doing this, it meant that we were mostly all working online, which gave people the opportunity to keep working on things at home, rather than waiting for the next Code Club.

Python level-based challenges

Looking through various Python tutorials that are online for kids, I can kind of see why some of the initial rewards can seem ‘boring’ to kids who are being lured by the pretty graphics and animations of modern tablets. Coding challenges and Capture The Flag (CTF) team competitions have always seemed a bit more exciting than talking about text-adventures sometimes. Although we’re probably not up to CTFs or the Google coding challenges that are running, I came across a fun level-based Python challenge, written by Nadav Sanet, that just happens to align quite well with our Code Club activities.

Introducing new things

This post follows on from a previous post about keeping coding interesting with multiple skill levels. In this post, I’ll be expanding on the idea by talking about putting together new activities to run at your Code Club or insert-you-coding-maker-startup-equivalent-here. Types of activities Although not every activity needs to be step-by-step, the expectations need to be clear. In the example of designing a game, the pre-requisites must be clear so that it’s possible to complete the activity comfortably, with enough challenges to keep it interesting.