raspberry pi

Python GoPiGo Robot workshop

Background Following on from our Scratch Robot Workshop we’ve been running a second workshop that allows our students to apply some of the Python skills gained from previous Code Club World projects. This workshop lets students connect to the GoPiGo robot to read and understand example scripts, and also see how abstraction is used to simply programming using functions. The information gathered by learning to reverse-engineer existing scripts is used to creat their own script, using sensors to gather information from the robot’s environment and allow it to perform various tasks.

Scratch BrickPi Robot workshop

The robots At our Code Club, we currently have two robots both are made by Dexter Industries and are controlled from a Raspberry Pi. Our BrickPi robot uses a Raspberry Pi model 1B, combined with Lego Mindstorms more recent EV3 motors and sensors Our GoPiGo robot uses the same model Raspberry Pi, with one ultrasonic sensor a Raspberry Pi camera, and a servo that moves both Here’s an photo from when we first put them together: