
micro:mag contribution

For those interested in the micro:bit and finding more tutorials and information on new micro:bit accessories and kits, the latest issue 3 is free for download. I re-wrote the first part of my microbit 2-way radio example tutorial for issue 3. There’s also 9 other micro:bit projects to make, including a tutorial from Tanya Fish of Pimoroni, for making add-on boards from household materials. You can find the issue 3 list here.

2018 - in review

As you might already know, we dived into Python after a couple of small groups did pretty well towards the end of last year - when we played with a Raspberry Pi SenseHAT, some RGB LEDs, and developed a micro:bit-powered plant monitor. The plant monitor proudly sat in the school office for the rest of the year, and later evolved into a self-watering plant on Kid Inventor day. This year was spent making our way through Code Club’s Python modules 1 and 2, and more!

Almost Term 3, 2018!

Keeping up the Momemntum Going through Python with everyone in our Code Club at once has been very rewarding. So far, the feedback has been that they feel they’ve been learning more than with Scratch - although some kids love Scratch, many found it a little limiting after round 6 months. As long as they progress with Python, most have been engaged and keen to be challenged - however, if they hit a wall and didn’t get help after a few tries, some would become frustrated or distracted.