Exciting Scratch projects are happening

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been able to see a few great Scratch projects that are being build at our Code Club!

This year it was great to have everyone sign up to Scratch before our Code Club started again at the start of this year. By doing this, it meant that we were mostly all working online, which gave people the opportunity to keep working on things at home, rather than waiting for the next Code Club. A few of us had already started playing around with Scratch before Term 1, and some of use has also been using Scratch previous in grade 4 classes.

Even though term 1 was a bit shorter than the others, we were still able to get a few activies under our belts. I tried to choose some of the ones I remembered as being popular and interesting last year. Starting off with Lost in Space, was a good introduction as it teaches about positioning, rotating, moving, and resizing sprites. In simple terms, sprites are images that we can move around, make appear and disappear, collide with one another, and many other actions.

After a few weeks and few more activities, the Scratch kids got a chance to make their own game. Interestingly, when I asked who had already had a go at making their own games, several people put their hands up. One of our members had already made a complete game which he demoed to the group, having another member very eager to volunteer to try the game. At this stage, everyone was pretty keen to get started. This involved working in pairs or solo, desiging the basic game on paper. It was interesting to learn more as we came across problems to be solved, while completing our goals.

We continued working on our games on the first week back after holidays. It was great to see that quite a few people working on their projects before coming back to school. One pretty awesome game I saw had multiple levels and was completely finished! Although we having a break this week, next week we’ll be right back at it, and it’ll be interesting to see what people have come up with. We’re trying to keep track of where everyone is, and hopefully we can help each other to get lots of projects completed so that we can showcase these to friends soon. I will be good to get some screenshots online as well.